1·Whit a detach 2 car garage and a big drive way.
2·What how can you just ask Baidu spider is big drive?
3·On a par 4 with a dogleg to the right, Mr. Shimada sent a big drive just past the trees lining the top of the sloping corner of the dogleg.
4·To Microsoft's critics, the fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise are examples of a remorseless drive by Big Tech to chew up any innovative companies that lie in their path.
对微软的批评者来说,Wunderlist 和 Sunrise 的命运是大型科技公司无情打击任何阻碍其发展道路上的创新公司的例子。
5·If this were not enough, the House bill creates regulatory loopholes big enough for bankers to drive their Jaguars through.
6·For teenagers, being able to drive — and in some cases, have their own car — is a big deal. It gives them a sense of power and freedom.
7·The article discusses a mostly overlooked hypothesis that, if right, would explain how big rainforests-like the amazon-actually drive the entire global water cycle.
8·Other times, I'll just get frustrated and throw it all into big black garbage bags, grab the car and drive to Goodwill. 9 times out of 10, she never misses any of it.
9·Other times, I'll just get frustrated and throw it all into big black garbage bags, grab the car and drive to Goodwill.
10·Drive out of Moscow, however, and Russia's other big cities and you enter another world - of decaying villages, poverty, alcoholism, high male mortality and general hopelessness.